The 22nd Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-22)
Post-verbal elements in Cantonese: from synchronic and diachronic perspectives
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Call for papers
First Announcement
We are pleased to announce that the Twenty-second Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-22) will be held via ZOOM on Saturday, June 25, 2022. The theme of WOC-22 is âPost-verbal elements in Cantonese: from synchronic and diachronic perspectives.” Topics may include syntax, semantics, morphology, phonology, etc., with a focus that allows synchronic or diachronic inquiry that pertains to interface or theoretical investigation of post-verbal elements in Cantonese.
Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks with 10 minutes for discussion. You can give your presentation in Cantonese, English or Putonghua. Abstracts may be written in Chinese or English and should be limited to one A4 page with the name(s) of author(s), affiliation and email address(es).
Deadline for submissions: May 30, 2022
Notification of acceptance: June 10, 2022 (via e-mail)
Abstract submission link:
If you have further questions, please contact LSHK at: For details and updated information, please visit: